Black walnut has a high reward for its dark-colored, straight-grained, pure heartwood. It is dense, durable, shock-resistant, and yet can be easily split and worked. Along with black locust (Acacia wood), black walnut is one of the most durable hardwoods in the US. The wood can be kiln dried and keeps its shape properly after seasoning, which gives this wood even more attractive for woodworking.

American walnut timber

American Walnut timber sanded

American walnut timber

Black Walnut endgrain

walnut sawn timber

Common Name: Black Walnut

Latin Name: Juglans nigra

Tree Size: 30-37 m tall, 0.6-1 m trunk diameter

Average Dried Weight: 610 kg/m3

Janka Hardness: 4,490 N

Common Uses: cabinetry, gunstocks, interior paneling, veneer, furniture, turned items, and other small wooden objects and novelties.

Comments: It would be difficult to overstate Black Walnut’s reputation among woodworkers in the United States. Its collaborative working characteristics, coupled with its rich brown coloration puts the wood in a class by itself among temperate-zone hardwoods. The wood also has excellent dimensional stability, shock resistance, and strength properties.

Workability: Typically, simple to work provided the grain is straight and proper. Planer tearout can seldom be a problem when surfacing parts with irregular or figured grain. Glues, stains, and ends well, (though walnut is rarely stained).